226Principal or sum (given amount of simple interest,period interest rate,number of time periods)
227Period interest rate (given amount of simple interest,principal,number of time periods)
228Number of time periods (given principal,amount of simple interest,period interest rate)
229Future value of a present value or principal using compound interest (given nominal annual interest rate)
230Power or exponentiation (given base and exponent)
231n-th term of a geometric sequence or geometric progression with initial value and common ratio
232Time needed for two workers to do a job together (group work) (given individual capacities)
233n-th square pyramidal number or pyramid number
234n-th term of arithmetic progression (AP) or arithmetic sequence (given common difference)
235Initial term of arithmetic progression or arithmetic sequence (given n-th term and common difference)
236Common difference of arithmetic progression or arithmetic sequence (given first and n-th terms)
237Arithmetic series (given initial term,n-th term,arithmetic progression,arithmetic sequence)
238Arithmetic series (given initial term,common difference,arithmetic progression,arithmetic sequence)
239Initial term of arithmetic progression or arithmetic sequence (given n-th term,arithmetic series)
240Number of terms of arithmetic progression or arithmetic sequence (given terms,arithmetic series)
241n-th term of arithmetic progression or arithmetic sequence (given arithmetic series,first term)
242Initial term of arithmetic progression,arithmetic sequence (given common difference,arithmetic series)
243Common difference of arithmetic progression,arithmetic sequence (given initial term and arithmetic series)
244Sum of the first n cubes
245Factorial of a non-negative integer n
246nth root of a positive real number
247Displacement in a plane (given initial and final positions)
248Speed (given traveled distance and time interval)
249Speed (given initial speed,acceleration and time)
250Displacement (given initial speed, final speed and time interval)