Future value of a present value or principal using compound interest (given nominal annual interest rate)


Future value of a present value or principal using compound interest (given nominal annual interest rate) formula
future value, final amount
principal amount, present value or initial investment
annual nominal interest rate
number of times the interest is compounded per year
number of years

Formula description

Compound interest arises when interest is added to the principal, so that from that moment on, the interest that has been added also itself earns interest. This addition of interest to the principal is called compounding. Future value is the value of an asset at a specific date. It measures the nominal future sum of money that a given sum of money is "worth" at a specified time in the future assuming a certain interest rate, or more generally, rate of return; it is the present value multiplied by the accumulation function. The value does not include corrections for inflation or other factors that affect the true value of money in the future. This is used in time value of money calculations. The future value increases exponentially with time when interest rate is positive.

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Future value of a present value or principal using compound interest (given nominal annual interest rate) formula

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  1. wikipedia: Compound interest.

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