101Liabilities(given net asset value, fund`s assetsand number of shares outstanding)
102Number of shares outstanding(given net asset value, fund`s assets and liabilities)
103Net asset value in mutual fund
104Fund`s holdings(given net asset value and fund`s liabilities)
105Fund`s liabilities(given net asset value and fund`s holdings)
106Price-to-book ratio
107Market price per share(given price-to-book ratio and balance sheet price per share)
108Balance sheet price per share (given price-to-book ratio and market price per share)
109Price-to-earnings ratio
110Market price per share(given price-to-earnings ratio and diluted EPS)
111Diluted EPS(given price-to-earnings ratio and market price per share)
112Price-to-sales ratio
113Market price per share(given price-to-sales ratio and gross sales)
114Gross Sales(given Price-to-sales ratio and Market Price per Share)
115Comparison to corporate bonds
116Interest rate of comparable corporate bond(interest rate of municipal bond and tax rate)
117Tax rate(interest rate of municipal bond and interest rate of comparable corporate bond)
118Total shareholder return
119share price at end of period(given total shareholder return,share price at beginning of period and dividends paid)
120Share price at beginning of period(given Total shareholder return, share price at end of periodand dividends paid)
121Dividends paid(given total shareholder return, share price at end of period and Share price at beginning of period )
122Bond valuation of coupon yield
123Coupon payment(given coupon yield and face value)
124Face value(given coupon yield and coupon payment)
125Bond valuation of current yield