76Dividend yield
77Full-year dividend(given current dividend yield and current share price)
78Current share price(given current dividend yield and full-year dividend)
79Earnings per share(basic formula)
80Profit (given earnings per share and weighted average common shares)
81Weighted average common shares (given earnings per share and profit )
82Earnings per share (net income formula)
83Net income(given earnings per share and weighted average common shares)
84Weighted average common shares(given earnings per share and net income)
85Earnings per share (continuing operations formula)
86Income from continuing operations (given earnings per share and weighted average common shares)
87Weighted average common shares (given earnings per share and income from continuing operations)
88Operating leverage with fixed cost
89Revenue (given operating leverage,variable cost and fixed cost)
90Variable cost (given operating leverage,revenue and fixed cost)
91Fixed cost (given operating leverage,revenue and variable cost)
92Operating leverage with operating income
93Revenue(given operating leverage ,variable cost and operating income)
94Variable cost(given operating leverage ,revenue and operating income)
95Operating income(given operating leverage ,revenue and variable cost)
96Financial leverage
97Operating income(given financial leverage and net income)
98Net income(given financial leverage and operating income)
99Net asset value in open-end fund
100Fund`s assets(given net asset value,liabilities and number of shares outstanding)