Combined Loan To Value ratio,CLTV,CLTVR,LTV

Formula or Equation

Combined Loan To Value ratio,CLTV,CLTVR,LTV formula,equation,calculator
CLTVCombined Loan To Value ratio,CLTV,CLTVR,LTV
Value of Loan 1value of loan,VOL
Value of Loan 2value of loan,VOL
AVORPappraised value of real property,AVORP

Formula or Equation Note

Combined Loan To Value ratio (CLTV) is the proportion of two or more loans secured by a property in relation to its value. The aggregate principal balances of all mortgages on a property divided by its appraised value or Purchase Price, whichever is less. It is a ratio used by lenders to determine the risk of default by prospective homebuyers when more than one loan is used. In general, lenders are willing to lend at CLTV ratios of 80% and above to borrowers with a high credit rating. Distinguishing CLTV fr

Calculator(how to use calculator?)

Combined Loan To Value ratio,CLTV,CLTVR,LTV formula,equation,calculator
Value of loan (Value of Loan 1)
Value of loan (Value of Loan 2)
Appraised value of real property (AVORP)
Combined Loan To Value ratio (CLTV)


  1. Wikipedia article: Loan-to-value ratio.
  2. Combined Loan To Value Ratio - CLTV Ratio.

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