Debt service ratio,DSR,debt to export ratio,DER,debt service to exports ratio,DSTER

Formula or Equation

debt service ratio,DSR,debt to export ratio,DER,debt service to exports ratio,DSTER formula,equation,calculator
DSRdebt service ratio,DSR,debt to export ratio,DER,debt service to exports ratio,DSTER
DSPdebt service payments,DSP
EEexport earnings,EE

Formula or Equation Note

In economics and government finance, debt service ratio is the ratio of debt service payments (principal + interest) of a country to that country's export earnings. A country's international finances are healthier when this ratio is low. The ratio is between 0 and 20% for most countries.

Calculator(how to use calculator?)

debt service ratio,DSR,debt to export ratio,DER,debt service to exports ratio,DSTER formula,equation,calculator
Debt service payments (DSP)
Export earnings (EE)
Debt service ratio (DSR)


  1. Wikipedia article: Debt service ratio.

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